Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Too much of a good thing is still too much

This is just a friendly reminder to everyone as we approach this holiday weekend - be careful not to over eat.
Yea, I know....easier said than done. But, if you want some tricks on how to avoid overeating we've got a few quick and easy suggestions.

1. Snack throughout the day. Light snacking, especially on vegetables and other healthy alternatives is a good say to ensure that you won't be famished by the time dinner comes around.

2. Try to go for a walk or to the gym early in the morning. Exercising early in the morning will give you energy throughout the day and 'pre-burn' some calories before the big meal.

3. When it comes to filling your dinner plate, pile the vegetables and other healthy options high. Piling on healthier alternatives will help ensure there's little or no room for the less-healthy options.

4. Drink lots of water throughout your day. Drinking water not only will keep you hydradrated and fueled for the long-haul with the in-laws, but help keep you full and satiated detering hunger pains.

5. Pass on the gravy's and sauces. Simply avoiding excessive dressings, sauces, gravy's, whip creams and other toppings usually found on Thanksgiving plates can save you tons on unneeded calories.

If you can incorporate any or all of these tasks to your turkey day, you'll find yourself getting through your day without a huge caloric intake and without becoming a huge, lethargic couch potato.

Have a happy and healthy holiday.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Doctors sometimes have to take doctors orders

Recently I had an doctor's exam in which a very minor issue was discovered. I had just come back from vacation and was well rested and relaxed, and eager to get back to work and seeing patients.

However, the doctor strongly suggested I take the rest of the week off work to allow time for the issue to naturally resolve itself.

"The week off," I replied. "I just had a week off on vacation...and next week is Thanksgiving. I can't take a week off."

Well there I was. Just like I hear every day in our office I found myself pleading to the doctor, "well then can I just do this....or what about this,...or that."

The doctor kindly replied with a, "no you may not" to all of my inquiries. Then looking directly at me and right in front of my husband she added, "and that also means no shopping."

As my husband triumphantly repeated the 'doctor's orders' I could only hang my head in disgust. Afterall, I felt fine. I was well-rested. But because something inside was wrong and needed time to correct itself I had to stop everything I was doing.

So, for five days I was under doctor's orders for the first time in my life. While I took advantage of the time off to read magazines, plan a Thanksgiving menu, watch six movies, clear out the Tivo, and lie around a ton - I still wanted to be doing something other than what I was forced to be doing.

I wanted more than anything to return to the normalcy in my life and practice after a wonderful vacation and was forced to take time off.

I realized, sometimes in our lives, we're forced to sit for a minute.

And even though I felt great and wanted to ignore the advice of my doctor - I knew deep down she was right and I needed to simply comply in order to get better. Like I had found myself saying to patients a million times before, I found myself saying for the first time from the other side of the fence.

When I realized this all I could do was laugh and think to myself, 'sometimes even doctors have to take doctors orders.'

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's a Big World After All

After having just returned from a vacation in Walt Disney World I've got one thing to say, "We're going to the gym". After being surrounded by hot dogs, hamburgers, pretzels, ice cream and soda, it's no wonder why the average park goer was morbidly obese.
We all just kept wondering what all of the foreign visitors were thinking about their 'Disney experience'.
Between the hoards of assorted strollers, the segway-riding employees and the multitude of motorized carts - it'll be amazing if anyone in our culture will be walking anywhere within the next 10 years.
While today's amusement parks are massive daily undertakings for even the most in-shape, it was 'utterly' amazing (pun intended) to see the countless onslaughts of morbidly obese people.
By way of comparison, our group of six (including a pregnant woman, a five year old and a nine year old) took turns sharing three pedometers to track our daily mileage throughout the parks.
Following is a chart of the mileage we clocked trekking through the four main theme parks of Orlando (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios).
Day One - Travel Day (4.5 miles)
Day Two - Magic Kingdom (8.5 miles)
Day Three - Animal Kingdom (9.5 miles)
Day Four - Epcot/Hollywood Studios (15 miles)
Day Five - Magic Kingdom (11 miles)
Day Six - Epcot/Hollywood Studios (9.5 miles)
Day Seven - Animal Kingdom/Downtown Disney (8 miles)
Day Eight - Travel Day (4 miles)

Yes folks, 70 miles in 8 days/7 nights. Just shy of 10 miles a day.

In addition to walking everywhere, we also brought our lunches into the park everyday (sandwiches, apple slices, carrot sticks, chips and light snacks). These precautions and drinking lots of water ensured all of us stayed fit and happy throughout the duration of the vacation and enjoyed everything to the fullest.
Sure we were all tired and slept well each night, but we all had the stamina to meet each new day.
My hope with this piece is that others will begin to think more about their health choices.
Because remember people, "It's a SMALL world after all."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Other things to do during the time change

Twice a year we adjust our crazy lives and schedules one hour to adjust for daylight. At least those of us in most of the 50 U.S. states and a few other places in the world anyway.

Take the time during this Fall time change to also do a few other things that can benefit you and your family members.

1. Change batteries in your smoke alarms and/or flashlights

2. Change your pillow - the Better Sleep Council recommends new pillows every year or so to maximize your sleeping comfort.

3. Change your water filter on your refrigerator

4. Change the filters in your home heating/cooling return

5. Drain and refill your hot water heaters - getting rid of unwanted sediment makes for a cleaner, longer-lasting water heater.

Take advantage of these tips and make sure you and your home are properly prepared this winter.