Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson's Death Could Have Been Avoided

Here we are less than 24-hours since the passing of two Hollywood icons in the same day and the world is still reeling with shock and disbelief. The deaths of both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson cast a dark shadow over a normally bright and sunny Summer day.

As the world followed Fawcett's tremendous struggle with cancer over much of the past year, Jackson's death came with a universal sense of disbelief, questions and rumors.

Initial reports had Jackson suffering from a cardiac arrest. Reports the next morning said Jackson had allegedly increased his intake of pain killer medications in the recent months, and it was questioned if Jackson self-medicated the day of his passing with the drug Demerol.

Whatever truly comes out in his official autopsy, a prominent figures' life was again tragically cut short due to his alleged use of prescription drugs.

Because we, as chiropractors, can not/do not prescribe pharmaceuticals we avoid "side effects" to medications through our treatments.

It had been rumored that over the years Jackson frequently called on the services of alternative and homeopathic leaders and healers to assist in his daily journey of balance. However, in the end, it appears he became another senseless victim of today's topsy-turvy prescription drug world.

Hopefully...sometime soon, people of all walks of life (even those who moonwalk) will realize the importance of taking care of your body and become more concerned of the potential fatal effects of prescription meds.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wellness Care Focuses on The Whole You

Wellness is being as healthy as possible: physically, mentally and socially. By starting your own wellness program, you gain much more than being free from illness. You make positive changes in your overall lifestyle that affect your well-being - today and tomorrow.

Wellness is more than a fad. To be successful, you have to practice wellness now and for the rest of your life. When you decide to continually improve your physical, mental and social wellness, you take charge of your health.

Fitness Takes Center Stage
- Design an exercise program that burns fat and makes your heart and lungs strong. Also, it should build strong muscles and keep you flexible.
- Exercise aerobically for at least 20 t0 30 minutes, three to four times per week.
- Burn more fat calories by exercising longer and more slowly.
- Alternate your exercise activities so you don't become burned out on just one activity.
- Perform strength-building activities, either with weights or exercises that use your body for resistance such as push-ups, or sit-ups, at least twice per week.

Safety is Vital

- Always wear a seat belt, and never drink and drive.
- Don't smoke
- Use good judgment when lifting
- Wear sunscreen to protect against skin cancer
- Avoid recreational drugs and the misuse of medications

A Positive Attitude Works Wonders

- Cultivate a good attitude
- Substitute negative self-talk with positive statements
- Learn what you can and should control
- Take regular mini-vacations. Picture yourself in your favorite place. You'll feel yourself relaxing
- When you fee stressed, take four to five deep belly breaths
- Find ways to relax that work for you - meditation, relaxation, reading a book or exercising -and use them.
Family & Friends Enhance Your Well-Being

- Eat 60-percent of your total calories from whole grains, pasta and bread
- Cut your fat calories to a maximum of 30-percent of your total daily calories.
- Include three to give servings of fresh vegetables and two to four servings of fresh fruits in your daily diet
- Bake, broil, saute, steam or roast foods instead of frying

Wellness is a Lifelong Journey

- Develop and cultivate a strong network of family and friends
- Reach out to others in both good and bad times
- Make an effort to make new friends
- Improve your talking and listening skills. Express your feelings without blaming. Be willing to bargain and compromise.
- Avoid being judgmental about other people.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

20 Things You Can Do To Help Protect Your Back

Too often we take our bodies for granted. It's important to understand our bodies, and their limitations.

Here is a list of 20 things you can do to help protect your back and your overall body.


1. Maintain the three normal curves of the spine as much as possible

2. Sit with you back against the back of the chair and your feet firmly planted, flat on the floor.

3. Try to avoid slumping or sitting to any one side

4. When you're driving, be sure to adjust your seat accordingly to minimize strain on your joints.

Lifting / Carrying:

5. Plan before you heavy is it, how far will you be carrying it, how will set it down.

6. Bend the knees and squat when reaching itesm below your waist.

7. Pivot your body naturally and avoid twisting

8. Push vs. pull...use your body to assist rather than placing strain on it.


9. Make sure to change positions regularly if you have to stand for a prolonged period.

10. It's all about the shoes...if you have to stand for an excessive period of time, make sure you have shoes with proper arch, heel and overall foot suport.

11. If you have to stand for a long period, try to use a footstool or something to take the tension off of your low back.

Other Miscellaneous Tasks:

12. Don't ever carry too much. When carrying excessive loads (ie, luggage, groceries, boxes, etc.) make sure to balance the weight evenly and take your time lifting and lowering.

13. If you are on the phone constantly, consider a hands-free head set. No more needing to squeeze the phone between your shoulder and the side of your head.

14. If you work or play at a computer for extended periods of time, make sure your ergonomics are good. Feet flat on the floor, under the desk, a comfortable distance to see your monitor and reach for your mouse, etc.


15. Make sure you sleep on a firm mattress. Try flipping the mattress every few months to preserve its longevity.

16. When you can, sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees.


17. Exercise daily, or as often as possible. Keeping control of your weight and increasing strength, flexibility, endurance, etc. are all keys to a healthy frame.

18. Avoid overdoing it - especially to the point of injuring yourself. If something you do 'hurts' don't do that activity and discuss other options with your doctor.

19. Drink lots of water. This helps your body stay hydrated and ultimately helps it perform necessary daily functions.

20. Stay stress free. Stress tightens your muscles and makes it harder for your body to properly perform.

Keep these tips in mind for a healthy, happier you.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

10 Things To Do To Stay Healthy This Summer

You've packed the suitcases, loaded the car, run to catch your plane, squeezed into the "ever-shrinking" window seat, slept three hours with your head wedged between your window and upright seat, taken a bus ride to your rental car- driven an hour to get to your hotel, hauled all your luggage to your room and unpacked.

While vacationing can be fun, getting there can take its toll on your body. That's why it's important to keep your neck and back in tune and consider getting adjusted before your travels.

This is a list of things you can do to ensure your safety, and that of your family members while enjoying the Summer.

1. Get an adjustment before and after long car or plane trips.

2. Bring supportive pillows whenever possible. Hotels are notorious for bad pillows.

3. Be aware when lifting and carrying heavy items including: luggage, coolers, backpacks, and camping / sporting gear.

4. Be aware when on roller coasters, or water slides - especially entering, or exiting the ride.

5. Be aware when chasing or wrestling with children and pets - especially bending, twisting and lifting.

6. Make sure you stay properly hydrated and eat nutritiously.

7. Be extra-cautious when the moment approaches itself to go boating, sailing, parasailing, scuba diving, jet skiing, wake boarding. These water activities repetitively jar the back and joints.

8. Don't over-exert yourself - especially in the heat.

9. Be careful to not leave anyone or anything perishable in the hot cars for too long.

10. Error on the side of caution when it comes to activities you are not used to doing...avoid being a casualty of 'Weekend Warrior Syndrome'.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Relief Care to Wellness Care

When you, or someone you know has been injured, you're only really ever concerned with, 'when am I going to start feeling better?'

You generally don't dwell on what made you feel that way, but instead, when am I going to start sleeping through the night again....or when is this headache going to go away....or, when am I going to be able to stand again for more than an hour without my back hurting?

These generalized examples daily tasks can often be a struggle when you're injured.

When you visit any doctor, your initial visit is generally a relief care visit. Relief care that is necessary to help rid your body of your symptoms of pain - BUT NOT THE CAUSE. An example of this is drying a floor that was standing water, but not fixing the leak that caused the water to be there.

As opposed to relief care, chiropractic focuses on 'corrective, or wellness care.' Corrective care differs from relief care in that its goal is to get rid of pain - while correcting the cause of the pain at the same time.

Wellness care is what we strive to instill in all our patients. Overall wellness care incorporates all the elements for preventive health care including; nutrition/diet, aerobic conditioning, good posture, strength training, proper rest and periodic spinal adjustments. In short, wellness involves all aspects of your lifestyle, everyday.

While most of us are used to relief care in our 'instant gratification world' we live's wellness care that will keep us feeling younger and living longer.

Give "wellness" a chance and start to make some life changes today. Your body will thank you for it later.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Water, water everywhere - and you should be drinking plenty

'Tis the season. No, not the holiday shopping season. We're referring to the time of year when water becomes more of a necessity than ever.

Despite drought conditions and lower lake levels that may hinder all those fun family summer activities, water consumption is critical to your health, and that of your family.

Sure, we've all heard for years that we should drink a minimum of eight, 8-ounce glasses per day....but is it true. Answer: Absolutely! And, more if possible. The hotter it is, and the more exertion you do, the more water your body requires.

Your body requires water everyday to keep it functioning at its optimal level. As summer temperatures increase, and your sweat levels increase, your overall water content in your body decreases. What does this decrease mean to you. Well, dehydration leads to fatigue, muscle and joint weakness, and ultimately places extra strain on your organs to do their job.

Many patients consider because they drink coffee, sodas, diet sodas and other things that contain water that it's the same, or at least a good equivalent. However, these drinks have the exact opposite reaction that water does - and actually dehydrate you.

Do your best to drink at least the minimum recommended daily amount of water....and begin to feel rejuvenated, energized and healthy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Once again, Oprah and Dr. Oz got it right

If you are a follower of Oprah (like we are), or even if you're not, we encourage everyone to check out her new "Best Life Series - Your Health". She is dedicating time on her shows, as well as her website, to helping individuals focus or their health.

As a high-profile figure who certainly has had her health 'issues' over the years, she has once again teamed with Dr. Mehmet Oz (and a slew of other health practicioners) to provide individuals with an array of fantastic information and wellness tips designed to make you become more pro-active and responsible for your health and that of your family.

On her website, ( - there is a "Health" tab which leads individuals to a plethora of extremely useful and easy-to-follow tips to help you better prioritize your over health and well-being. Or, log on and click on "Tuesday" under the "This Week on the Oprah Show" for the week of June 15th - episode ran June 16th - to learn more about how you can start to take control of your health.

As doctors of alternative medicince, we applaud Oprah and those like her who help us spread the word of wellness.

Check out her site, program your dvr's and get yourself healthy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why Your Health Matters Now More Than Ever

Here we are in 2009. While civilization continues to make huge advancements in many areas of our lives, the world somehow keeps getting crazier, busier - seemingly spinning more out of our control than ever before.

Foreclosures. Recession. Depression - Oh my!

Where and when is it going to end?

Well, because we truly can't control the majority of these above mentioned happenings, we really shouldn't spend time worrying about them.

At the beginning of this year in our office, we came up with a mantra that seems to still be holding its own now half-way through the year.

"Take this time to regain control of your health, and that of your family and friends'. You can't control the stock market, layoffs, wars, world hunger, etc., but what you can control is...YOUR HEALTH!"

What we've seen since adopting this new attitude is an overwhelmingly positive response from patients. While the majority have been showing up tense, locked-up, and in pain - they are leaving rejuvenated, more focused and de-stressed.

Now is the time to focus on your health more than ever. Combining a full-night's sleep with proper nutrition and hydration, some form of daily exercise, and regular body maintenance is exactly the recipe your body needs.

Respect yourself, your family, and your friends for the rest of 2009 and focus on the simple things in life you can control.