When you, or someone you know has been injured, you're only really ever concerned with, 'when am I going to start feeling better?'
You generally don't dwell on what made you feel that way, but instead, when am I going to start sleeping through the night again....or when is this headache going to go away....or, when am I going to be able to stand again for more than an hour without my back hurting?
These generalized examples daily tasks can often be a struggle when you're injured.
When you visit any doctor, your initial visit is generally a relief care visit. Relief care that is necessary to help rid your body of your symptoms of pain - BUT NOT THE CAUSE. An example of this is drying a floor that was standing water, but not fixing the leak that caused the water to be there.
As opposed to relief care, chiropractic focuses on 'corrective, or wellness care.' Corrective care differs from relief care in that its goal is to get rid of pain - while correcting the cause of the pain at the same time.
Wellness care is what we strive to instill in all our patients. Overall wellness care incorporates all the elements for preventive health care including; nutrition/diet, aerobic conditioning, good posture, strength training, proper rest and periodic spinal adjustments. In short, wellness involves all aspects of your lifestyle, everyday.
While most of us are used to relief care in our 'instant gratification world' we live in...it's wellness care that will keep us feeling younger and living longer.
Give "wellness" a chance and start to make some life changes today. Your body will thank you for it later.
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