Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wellness Care Focuses on The Whole You

Wellness is being as healthy as possible: physically, mentally and socially. By starting your own wellness program, you gain much more than being free from illness. You make positive changes in your overall lifestyle that affect your well-being - today and tomorrow.

Wellness is more than a fad. To be successful, you have to practice wellness now and for the rest of your life. When you decide to continually improve your physical, mental and social wellness, you take charge of your health.

Fitness Takes Center Stage
- Design an exercise program that burns fat and makes your heart and lungs strong. Also, it should build strong muscles and keep you flexible.
- Exercise aerobically for at least 20 t0 30 minutes, three to four times per week.
- Burn more fat calories by exercising longer and more slowly.
- Alternate your exercise activities so you don't become burned out on just one activity.
- Perform strength-building activities, either with weights or exercises that use your body for resistance such as push-ups, or sit-ups, at least twice per week.

Safety is Vital

- Always wear a seat belt, and never drink and drive.
- Don't smoke
- Use good judgment when lifting
- Wear sunscreen to protect against skin cancer
- Avoid recreational drugs and the misuse of medications

A Positive Attitude Works Wonders

- Cultivate a good attitude
- Substitute negative self-talk with positive statements
- Learn what you can and should control
- Take regular mini-vacations. Picture yourself in your favorite place. You'll feel yourself relaxing
- When you fee stressed, take four to five deep belly breaths
- Find ways to relax that work for you - meditation, relaxation, reading a book or exercising -and use them.
Family & Friends Enhance Your Well-Being

- Eat 60-percent of your total calories from whole grains, pasta and bread
- Cut your fat calories to a maximum of 30-percent of your total daily calories.
- Include three to give servings of fresh vegetables and two to four servings of fresh fruits in your daily diet
- Bake, broil, saute, steam or roast foods instead of frying

Wellness is a Lifelong Journey

- Develop and cultivate a strong network of family and friends
- Reach out to others in both good and bad times
- Make an effort to make new friends
- Improve your talking and listening skills. Express your feelings without blaming. Be willing to bargain and compromise.
- Avoid being judgmental about other people.

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