Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Final Week To Vote RFC As Your Favorite Chiropractor

The countdown is on. Just seven (7) more days to vote for Roseville Family Chiropractic as your favorite local chiropractic office. Voting concludes Wednesday, August 5th.

Roseville's local Style Magazine is conducting its fifth annual Reader's Choice Favorites. This gives everyone a chance to voice (or rather, write in) opinions on their favorite restaurants, shops and of course, CHIROPRACTOR in Roseville and nearby Rocklin and Granite Bay. We encourage everyone to vote for your favorite local businesses and help stimulate our local economy. Please log on to: or go to http://www.sierrastyle/rosevillegranitebayrocklin/readerschoice.cfm

We thank all in advance for helping us become the best chiropractic office in town.

Also, please be sure to also add our name as your favorite website.

All entries will be entered into a drawing conducted by Sierra Style, as well as a inner-office drawing for a chance to win a $50 (or even $100) gift card to your favorite local restaurant.

Spread the word and help officially make Roseville Family Chiropractic the best office in town.

Thanks for your support in advance!

Blue M&M's and Blue Gatorade Good For Your Spine?

The following is a story published by CNN regarding recent ongoing research indicating that blue food dye could be used to reduce damage to injured spines.

The story definitely made us go, "hmmm" - so we thought we'd share the info with all who may be interested to learn where medical advancements may be headed.

Now, we can say we aren't necessarily advocating a new diet consisting of blue-dye enriched foods and drinks, but it does make you wonder what may lie ahead in this arena, and if yellow, red, green and brown dyes might have magical powers too.


(CNN) -- The same blue food dye found in M&Ms and Gatorade could be used to reduce damage caused by spine injuries, offering a better chance of recovery, according to new research.
Rats injected with BBG not only regained their mobility but temporarily turned blue.
Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that when they injected the compound Brilliant Blue G (BBG) into rats suffering spinal cord injuries, the rodents were able to walk again, albeit with a limp.
The only side effect was that the treated mice temporarily turned blue.
The results of the study, published in the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," build on research conducted by the same center five years ago.
In August 2004, scientists revealed how Adenosine triphosphate, which is known as ATP and described as the "energy currency of life," surges to the spinal cord soon after injury occurs.
Researchers found that the sudden influx of ATP killed off healthy cells, making the initial injury far worse. But when they injected oxidized ATP into the injury, it was found to block the effect of ATP, allowing the injured rats to recover and walk again.
"While we achieved great results when oxidized ATP was injected directly into the spinal cord, this method would not be practical for use with spinal cord-injured patients," said lead researcher Maiken Nedergaard, professor of Neurosurgery and director of the Center for Translational Neuromedicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center.
"First, no one wants to put a needle into a spinal cord that has just been severely injured, so we knew we needed to find another way to quickly deliver an agent that would stop ATP from killing healthy motor neurons. Second, the compound we initially used, oxidized ATP, cannot be injected into the bloodstream because of its dangerous side effects."

Back in 2004, Nedergaard's team discovered that the spinal cord was rich in a molecule called P2X7, which is also known as "the death receptor" for its ability to allow ATP to latch onto motor neurons and send the signals which eventually kill them.
Nedergaard knew that BBG could thwart the function of P2X7, and its similarity to a blue food dye approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1982 gave her the confidence to test it intravenously.
It worked. The rats given BBG immediately after their injury could walk again with a limp. Those that didn't receive a dose never regained their mobility.
Nedergaard told CNN that there is currently no standard treatment for patients with spinal injury when they reach the hospital emergency room.
"Right now we only treat 15 percent of the patients we receive with steroids and many hospitals question if that even works for that 15 percent; it's a very moderate benefit to only a subset of patients. So right now 85 percent of patients are untreated," she said.
Nedergaard said the research team isn't claiming that BBG can cure spinal injuries, instead that it offers a potential improvement in patients' condition.
"Even a moderate improvement in functional performance of the patient is a big, big event for these patients," she said. "They can control their bladder. If they can just take small steps instead of sitting in a wheelchair all the time, it's a tremendous benefit for these patients," she added.
The dose must be administered immediately after the injury, before additional tissue dies as a result of the initial injury.
Researchers are currently pulling together an application to be lodged with the FDA to stage the first clinical trials of BBG on human patients.
"Our hope is that this work will lead to a practical, safe agent that can be given to patients shortly after injury, for the purpose of decreasing the secondary damage that we have to otherwise expect," said Steven Goldman, Chair of the University of Rochester Department of Neurology.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No Two Feet Are Created Equal

Snowflakes, pearls and thumbprints all have this unique characteristic. What is it? Well, of course you're probably saying, no two are alike.

Well now, we're going to discuss another one-of-a-kind item. Your feet...actually, I guess that's two.

Your feet are not only different from everyone else in the world, but they're different from one-another.

So why is this a big deal you ask?

It isn't an issue if you have your three 'normal' arches and all of your weight is being supported properly. However, as an office that has incorporated foot scans into its examination process we are seeing a huge influx of individuals who have lost the majority of their arches and are in dire need of proper support and stabilization.

In less than five minutes, we can help you determine if your feet (and your body) could benefit from the use of orthotics, pelvic stabilizers, heel lifts, or other form or insert.

Aided by the use of the high-tech scanning capability produced by Foot Levelers, we are able to get a significantly better understanding of not just your feet, but more importantly, the role they play - and how they communicate or function with the rest of your body.

This valuable insight a foot scan lends is usually the wake up call most need to begin to take their feet seriously.

The moral of this story is, proper footwear, supports, and overall attention to your makes for a healthier you. Be kind to your feet, because they're the only ones you have and the rest of your body is depending on them.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Kids Parks Bring Hidden Dangers

There's nothing better than watching your healthy kids laughing and giggling while they run around, playing with friends. However, we all know with playing comes 'the occasional slip and fall'.

New indoor "parks" are all the rage in suburban areas around the country. While these indoors gyms and activity centers are an ideal way to beat the harsh Summer heat - or those cold Winter days, they can also be quite dangerous.

Over the past few months we have seen a higher-than-normal average of younger patients in our Roseville Family Chiropractic office with injuries sustained as a result of playing at these facilities.

From water slide parks, to jump centers, to indoor sports complexes, children's injuries have been piling up.

The number one culprit. TRAMPOLINES. While it's fun to jump and feel free, with each landing and launching comes a compression and stress to each-and-every joint, muscles, and vertebrae in your body. These repetitive 'concussions', coupled with mis-jumps or bad landings equals lots of aches, pains and possibly even greater injury.

If you or your children plan on attending any type of climbing, jumping, bouncing indoor sports facility always be careful.

Here are five tips to help ensure your trip to the indoor fun zone in your area is injury free.

1. Make sure you have the proper footwear

2. Stretch before and after you participate to help with your flexibility, agility, strength and balance

3. Stay hydrated so your muscles and body are properly balanced

4. Watch out for and avoid participating with too many others at any one time - One persons' launching pad is another one's landing pad and striking the trampoline at "off" times can really jam your body

5. Take breaks every now and then to allow your body to properly rest

All of these tips can help you and your family safe while enjoying vacation.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dr. Rodrigues Helps Roseville Family Chiropractic's Family Grow

On June 8th, the Roseville Family Chiropractic family got bigger. Dr. Juli Rodrigues announced the birth of their new son, Eli John Rodrigues.
Dr. Rodrigues treated patients up to one week before her delivery and has returned back to the office this week to begin treating the huge recent influx of other pregnant patients.
She 100 percent credits regular chiropractic adjustments for her ability to work right up to her delivery date and for her "easy" delivery.
We encourage all to send their congratulations to Dr. Rodrigues for her and her husbands recent accomplishment and thank all our patients for their patience during her absence. She looks forward to seeing you all soon and showing off all her new photos.

Dr. Cox of Roseville Family Chiropractic Helps Pregnant Women In Pain

We've all heard the expression, "There must be something in the water." Well, lately at our Roseville office, pregnant women abound - presenting with symptoms ranging from sciatica, low back pain to headaches.
In the past six months, Dr. Cox estimates nearly 25 women have come into the office seeking help for their symptoms and says approximately one of every eight new patients for the past couple of months has had a baby onboard.
Not only have most patients experienced quick relief, but many who have gone through labor and come back in after their birth are thanking Dr. Cox for helping them with having easier deliveries.
If you, or someone you know is pregnant and experiencing any pains, fatigue, or sleep loss please consider consulting a chiropractor. And if you're in the Roseville area, definitely give us a call at Roseville Family Chiropractic.

Vote Roseville Family Chiropractic As Your Favorite

It's that time of the year again....Roseville's local Style Magazine is conducting its fifth annual Reader's Choice Favorites. This gives everyone a chance to voice (or rather, write in) opinions on their favorite restaurants, shops and of course, CHIROPRACTOR in Roseville and nearby Rocklin and Granite Bay.
We encourage everyone to vote for your favorite local businesses and help stimulate our local economy.
Please log on to:
or go to

We thank all in advance for helping us become the best chiropractic office in town.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Add More Zest To Your Life With Supplements

Doctors and health advisers are always trying to get you to eat better - or healthier.

It's no wonder why so many professionals are adamant. Our nation's obesity epidemic and prescription drug dependencies have grown to an alarming level.

While prescriptions can help, they always can strip the body of its natural need for proper nutritional balance.

So how can you fight these evil forces you ask?

One of the best things anyone can do to improve overall health is to take nutritional supplements (vitamins/minerals) in addition to his/her normal diet.

In our office we sell a couple of different products aimed at promoting longevity and vitality.

Pure Encapsulations and BioPharma are the two manufacturers of supplements we feature in our office.

BioPharma has a line of powder supplements (NanoGreens, NanoPro and NanOmega3) designed to give you all the fruits and vegetables, protein and Omega 3 fatty acids essential for your body's optimum performance. We have free samples and recipes available in our office and for the month of July you can save 10% off any purchase.

PURE has an entire series of supplements aimed at counter-balancing your system if you are on other medications that may be depleting or stripping your body of it's necessary nutrients.

While daily exercise, proper hydration and a well-balanced diet are all keys to aging gracefully, so to is the need to introduce nutritional supplements into your life.

Check out our website for more information, or visit our office to learn more about the benefits of these fantastic products.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stress Sucks The Life Out Of You

To say times are tough is a little bit of an understatement in the world today.

Stock markets, jobless claims, foreclosures, war, etc., etc., etc.....blah, blah, blah!

These days, the daily news equals stress for most people. But while the future may remain out of our control, the one thing we can take charge of this year is OUR HEALTH!

Here are some tips to distress and learn to improve your life this year.

1. Visit your chiropractor often. Regular visits can alleviate tight muscles and tension.

2. Take breaks throughout your day. Brief interruptions to your stressful workday will help clear your mind, and get blood flowing to other parts of your body.

3. Drink more water. This is one thing we preach all the time. Water is the cure for all that ails you....including stress.

4. Learn to let things slide off your back. Don't sweat the petty stuff. Things happen. Just relax, regroup and move on.

5. A little more planning might save you some headaches. Don't procrastinate, accelerate or stray from original plans. Disruptions in our schedules and life usually equals increased stress levels.

We hope you find these tips useful and learn to deflect the stresses in your life. If you're still in need of "decompression" - visit our website, or call and schedule an appointment today.

Life is too short for stressful episodes.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Kids Need Chiropractic Too

If you're a parent we don't need to tell you how often kids fall, bump or crash. Now, whereas most know how to handle cuts and scraps and bruises, but bandages and Eskimo kisses don't necessarily work when it comes to often hidden musculoskeletal injuries.

While most parents have no qualms scheduling regular pediatric or dental exams, they often give little or no thought to the importance of having their children regularly examined by a chiropractor.

From birth, through the toddler years and even when they begin to fully engage in all activities on their own, children's bodies go through an incredible amount of stress and strain. Spinal misalignments and other nerve impingements are often common place, but can be addressed and overcome with a simple visit to the chiropractor.

Below is a list of just some of the conditions chiropractic has been known to positively address:

- Colic

- Bed wetting

- Asthma

- Allergies

- Scoliosis

- Ear Infections

- Headaches

- Sports Injuries

- Back Pain

- Neck Pain

- Auto mobile accidents

Don't be afraid to ask your doctor about chiropractic care for your children. There are things that can be done to help alleviate a vast majority of your child's pain without medications and the possibility of their harmful side-effects.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This 4th of July - Don't be a Weekend Warrior

It's been a whirl-wind over the past two weeks as Summer has officially come to Northern California.

While most of us really enjoy this time of year, it never ceases to amaze us how many patients begin presenting in our office with what we affectionately call, "Weekend Warrior Syndrome." This is when a person sustains an injury as the result of doing something (usually aggressively) for the first time in a long time.

While Winter brings its share of ski and snowboarding related injuries, Summer seems to laughingly trump the cold weather months when it comes to patients reporting with complaints.

Injuries sustained while wake boarding, water skiing, skateboarding, sitting in bleachers at baseball games, family picnics etc, are all atop the list for most common reasons patients begin to flock to our office. Oh, and don't forget yard work, as well as the stress of having the children home from school.

So, our advice to all as we enter this wonderful 4th of July holiday weekend is to have a nice, relaxing weekend with friends and family - and don't overdue it.

To help ensure you do stay 'safe and sane' this weekend - and throughout your Summer for that matter, we have compiled five friendly tips to keep you feeling healthy all year long.

1. Don't overdue yourself. This holds especially true if you haven't participated in physical activities since last Summer. Gradually work your way up to things as opposed to jumping right in.

2. Stretch before doing ANYTHING that requires ANY physical exertion. Five-to-10 minutes of stretching and warming up your muscles can make all the difference in the world.

3. Drink water and stay hydrated. Your body needs water to help keep all of it's parts functional. Dehydration causes fatigue which subsequently can lead to increased risk of injury.

4. Avoid the heat of the day. Even if all you're going to do is 'harmlessly' mow your lawn, try to do outdoor activities either early in the morning or in the earlier evening time to avoid the hot temps.

5. Don't just sit around all day. When you're out enjoying your kids soccer or little league game, or you're at the beach, parks, baseball stadiums etc, you have to stand up and walk around periodically. Sitting for extended periods of time makes the muscles constrict and limits the blood circulation, ultimately limiting ranges of movements, fatigued muscles and lending to more nagging aches and pains.