Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No Two Feet Are Created Equal

Snowflakes, pearls and thumbprints all have this unique characteristic. What is it? Well, of course you're probably saying, no two are alike.

Well now, we're going to discuss another one-of-a-kind item. Your feet...actually, I guess that's two.

Your feet are not only different from everyone else in the world, but they're different from one-another.

So why is this a big deal you ask?

It isn't an issue if you have your three 'normal' arches and all of your weight is being supported properly. However, as an office that has incorporated foot scans into its examination process we are seeing a huge influx of individuals who have lost the majority of their arches and are in dire need of proper support and stabilization.

In less than five minutes, we can help you determine if your feet (and your body) could benefit from the use of orthotics, pelvic stabilizers, heel lifts, or other form or insert.

Aided by the use of the high-tech scanning capability produced by Foot Levelers, we are able to get a significantly better understanding of not just your feet, but more importantly, the role they play - and how they communicate or function with the rest of your body.

This valuable insight a foot scan lends is usually the wake up call most need to begin to take their feet seriously.

The moral of this story is, proper footwear, supports, and overall attention to your makes for a healthier you. Be kind to your feet, because they're the only ones you have and the rest of your body is depending on them.

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