Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fall Is Coming - Do You Have Your Workout Routine?

Across the country, kids are going back to school, leaves are falling on the ground and it's getting darker earlier. Yikes, what happened to Summer!
While we can't fight the inevitable change of seasons, what we can fight is the late-year blues that come along with it.

For most, the Spring and Summer months are by far the most active for the year. Between vacations, long weekends and plenty of outdoor fun - activity levels are usually at their highest. Then the doldrums of Fall and Winter come...loved by many, but still lazier for all.

The following five tips are intended to help keep you active during the up-and-coming sedentary months.

1. Still try to walk for 30-45 minutes each day. Even though winds, rain, and snow are right around the corner for most, it is still important to get out and walk. If you weather doesn't cooperate, go walk at your local mall or other large indoor area.

2. Try to exercise earlier in the day. When the work day ends and it's already dark when you walk outside, usually the last thing you want to do is go workout. So, get motivated earlier in the day when it's brighter out.

3. Continue to drink water. Just because it's not as sunny, or as hot out during the Fall and Winter months doesn't mean you should stop drinking water. You should be consuming at least 8 full-size glasses of water during the day to stay properly hydrated.

4. Try not to alter your sleeping too much. In the Fall, people, just like bears - begin to hibernate more. Try to keep your bedtime the same, as well as your when you wake up. The less disruption of sleep and more consistency, the better for your overall body.

5. Get a motivated partner. Misery loves company. Laziness breeds content. Etc, Etc., Find a complementary workout/health partner (ie, spouse, best friend, co-worker, neighbor) to share in the health with you. You both will have someone to keep you honest.

If you take the time to stay on track this Fall, you'll make it through the holiday months more energized and less likely to gain those unwanted holiday pounds.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Goods & Bads of Online Support Groups

These days, the internet is all the rage. Not that it hasn't been for the past 15 years, but now, everybody's gone surfin'....and many are seeking help.

And if you're someone who needs reassuring, focus, or just someone to discuss things with - you're in luck.

Today, the web 2.0 world is alive and well and is all about sharing, giving and getting.

The "I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine" approach to website content and correspondence is now the norm.

But, should you be just jump in with both feet, or wade cautiously into the murky waters? Critics could easily argue for both sides. We believe you should be very mindful when it comes to your health - hence the purpose for this blog.

Surely by now most people have heard of, or even regularly use/contribute to social 'networking' sites like Facebook or MySpace. While these sites are some of the biggest out there, the amount of credible content is less-than-lacking. These sites are strictly ways to stay in touch with people, play games together and post neat photos. They are not, and should not be considered legitimate 'self-help' type sites. In fact, some users could actually stand to seek their own support group to kick their social networking habit.

Sites like:, or, are just a couple of places where you (along with 'teammates' in your local area) combine efforts to help each other see results.

Whether you need support to stop smoking, to diet, or to stick to your work-out/weight loss goals, there is seemingly a website out there for everyone.

But beware, not all of these sites are created equal...and not all are free.

Also, always be aware of the possibility of online predators in any scenario. In addition, misery loves company so be careful to pair/match yourself with truly motivated and moral individuals as much as possible. The last thing you need is another enabler. Make sure, as best you can that the individuals you partner/interact with compliment your skills and intended benchmark.

Our tip is to search for sites that automate correspondence with you and help keep you on track with whatever you need support with. Sites that email you menu ideas, exercise/fitness tips, and other daily tidbits often work well.

Self-help is right at your finger tips. You just need to type cautiously.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Chiropractic Care in a Time of Need

While the past couple of years have continued to bring strain to people's well-being, jobs, homelife, etc., many have been turning inward to make improvements in their lives.

Each week our office sees an average of about 125 patients. While all have differing problems which make them seek our care, all are sharing one trait that seemingly is a common thread to their current status. They are all under some sort of stress.

This tension manifests itself in a variety of ways, from headaches, to muscle tightness to sleep loss, etc.

Our office motto for the year has been, and still is: "You can't do anything about the mortgage business or the stock market, but you can do something for your health."

This is the year we've been steadily empowering patients to take control of their health and begin to exercise more and eat healthier.

Take time for yourself. Try to exercise, and yes walking counts, every day for at least 1/2 hour a day. That's not much folks! Just a simple walk around your neighborhood before, or after dinner can make all the difference in the world to your overall health.

And of course, chiropractic adjustments can help get you through the stressful times as well.
Drink water. Eat well. Exercise daily. Get enough sleep. See your chiropractor. This is your 'prescription' to wellness...Learn it! Live it! Love it!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blogging, yelping, and pinging - oh, my!

These days, technology is getting so far ahead it's becoming a full-time challenge to keep up.

There was a time, just barely 15 years ago, when the internet didn't exist.

Now, if we want information about anything, it's right at our fingertips. Within seconds we can have multiple sources, on countless pages giving us the exact information we wanted or needed.

The same holds true for health information. There are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of health related sites out there providing information.

While some are chock-full of worthwhile, credible information - others have become the dinosaurs of the internet and have died an untimely death.

So how are we are Roseville Family Chiropractic staying ahead of the curve while trying to keep our patients up-t0-date?

Well, quite simply, we're taking the web 2.0 world by storm.

Aside from our website, and this blog, we can now be located on nearly 200 online directories. Our reviews and testimonials from our valued clients have been steadily helping us compete in the rankings. We advertise with a number of popular search engines, and have been actively working with our community to build a solid, reputation.

As technology continues to improve the medical community, we at Roseville Family Chiropractic are welcoming and embracing the change. We look forward to soon being able to provide even more quality time with our valued patients as we will soon be implementing new techology and equipment to our office.

Bare with us in our time of change...or even better, embrace the changing times with us and join in our online community and blog.

We encourage all of our patients to cut out, email, link or otherwise send us health articles and information you think we might share with others.

Together we can take care of each other.
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

The 7 Foods All Women Should Eat

The following is a great little slide show I found on MSN Health website. It discusses the top 7 foods women should eat: berries, salmon, leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, golden veggies, and yogurt.

This is a great illustration of the top things you should be eating and we hope you all take the time to check it out.


Friday, August 7, 2009

Wii Sports Good In Theory - Not A Replacement For Regular Physical Fitness

It's all the rage!

Home entertainment and gaming consoles worldwide are a glow as kids of all ages have taken to their televisions to now get fit.

But is it an accurate replacement or variation of taking part in the natural event?
Does breaking a sweat in your living room constitute a workout?
Most say it's better than not breaking a sweat, but nevertheless, video game participation will always burn fewer calories than if you were to participate in that activity for real.
The Wii Gaming System, with its Wii Fit series of games is one of the industry's top sellers of fitness-related games and gear and provides home users the ability to participate in such sports as: boxing, cycling, road racing, bowling, tennis, yoga, and much more - all from the comfort of their home.

The popularity is such that now family fitness centers and health clubs nationwide are jumping on the bandwagon and opening virtual gaming centers to allow kids to 'workout' will they play video games.

While these days it's encouraging to find anything that can stimulate the general public into getting off their butts and 'exercising' - let's not fool ourselves. These activities are merely facsimiles to the real thing. We have to teach our kids that these video games are not replacements for actual physical fitness.

All elements of cardiovascular health, muscle usage, concentration and focus, eye-hand-contact, as well as aerobic/anaerobic exercise are slightly comprised when not actually participating in the 'natural' sport itself. In addition, research has shown extended times focusing on television has been know to affect eye site, attention spans, and increase hypertension in participants.

The moral of the story is video games will never and should never replace the actual game it mimics.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Health Websites With a Purpose

Not all websites are created equal. If you've spent any significant time online researching any given topic, you'll quickly realize some sites contain more accurate content than others.
We spend a lot of time and go to great lengths to provide our patients and dedicated health and wellness followers with the best possible sources of where to find pertinent and up-to-date health information.

Following is a list of health related websites and directories that we endorse.

We encourage you all to check into these sites if you have questions about specific conditions.

Of course, if you can't get answers, find support groups or nutritional advice and concepts from these sites, you can always log on to or and search over 1,000 pages content. Also, feel free to email us a question at and we'll be sure to get back to you as soon as we can.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How & Why Your Health Insurance Matters More Than Ever

Everyday for 10 years now, we've encountered patients in our office who have very little, and sometimes even no knowledge of their medical insurance coverage - especially in regard to their chiropractic visits. They simply walk in, say they have "Kaiser, or BlueShield" or some other major provider's plan, hand us their card and wait to be told what, if any portion of the projected statements will be covered.
To not know what/who exactly your policy covers is simply naive. Now, we know not everyone has access to computers, and not everyone is familiar with fine print policies, but we always say, "If you're paying for it, you should know exactly what you're getting." Especially when it comes to your health and that of your family.

With the government striving toward a massive overhaul of the medical/medicare system while trying to eliminate private insurances and providers, it has become more critical to know and understand your exact benefits.

The following is a list of things EVERY ADULT should know about their current policies:

1. How much you pay every month (especially if it's automatically deducted from your paycheck through your company) - companies like will help you compare like plans

2. Know how much your co-payment is for each office visit you may make

3. Know how much your deductible is and if it's been met yet for that calendar year

4. Know what additional services (in regard to your specific treatment needs; ie., massage coverage, pillows, etc. if you're planning on seeing a chiropractor)

5. Know if you need a referral from your primary care physician before seeing anyone else, and if so, how long and what do you have to do to obtain that authorization.

6. If you're seeking chiropractic care, how many visits under your plan are you entitled to for that calendar year

7. Know if the coverage is the same as that of your spouse, kids, etc.

These tips and suggestions are just some of the more important aspects you need to know and understand in regard to your health plan. Everyone needs to become not only more aware of their overall health, but with the plans they choose to see their needs will be met. The time is now to become proactive, review your policy - and the care you or your family has received and plan accordingly for the future.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Children's School Gym Injuries On The Rise

In a story published online today, a new study cites a 150% increase in gym class injuries in children over the last 10 years. From 1997-2007, reported injuries jumped significantly. Although the report doesn't give a definitive answer as to the primary reason for this increase, there is speculation that an increased focus on physical fitness combined with a decrease in school nurses and trained physical education staff in schools (where regular classroom teachers may now be running the gym class) - could be to blame.

Another possible reason for increased injuries could be directly linked to the rise in childhood obesity. Children are heavier than ever before, and are no simply unable to do even the simplest of task without risk of injury. Lack of physical fitness outside of school hours could also be to blame, as students have become less conditioned. In addition, proper hydration, a proper diet and proper stretching can also factor in to the equation.

Whatever the case may be, parents should play a more active role in their child's overall health and at least understand the daily demands your child is undergoing. Knowing when and what your child eats throughout the day, in correlation to when their gym class is - can help better prepare them. Knowing and understanding your child's fitness level also helps to avoid them participating in an activity that may be too strenuous for them.

Physical education is critical to the overall development of your child. Not just physically, but mentally as well.

The article that cited the study concludes with this: "In the gym class of the future, all physical fitness will be achieved through safe & secure usage of the Nintendo Wii." Whereas this has been implemented in fitness centers nationwide as a remedy for getting kids active in physical exercise - we should not be striving to make this the "norm". Kids need exercise via more conventional and traditional means - not through the aid of a video console. Take responsibility and take charge of your child's health and help prevent injury by adhering to some of the aforementioned tasks.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Back To School - What You Need To Be Aware Of

Parents: It's that time of the year again. The hot Summer sun is quickly fading earlier with each passing day. What's this all mean? It's back to school time.

But, before you send your kids away and fully focus on regaining your sanity, here's a health checklist to ensure your kids are well prepared for the enduring school days ahead.

1. Back Pack Check - Not all packs are created equal. All kids must have a pack that distributes the weight evenly and has not only shoulder straps, but horizontal straps that tie across the chest and around the waste. Properly securing the heavy weight of a full book bag will ensure good posture and minimize strain on any one body part.

2. Proper Nutrition Will Fuel Their Day - Before headed out the door, make sure your kids get have something to eat. Fruits, Cereals, Juices, Milks and high-protein foods will help keep your child's energy and concentration levels up.

3. A Full Night's Sleep Will Keep Them Awake - No more sleep overs and all-nighters. When school is back in, it's all about a full 8-hours of sleep. Because of the physical, as well as the mental energy exuded, it's important your child gets the necessary sleep to be fresh and attentive the next day as well.

4. Limit TV Time Now That There's Homework - Summer is all about staying up late, playing video games and watching t.v. However, now that school is back in session more focus should be given on academic studies to increase retention. TV, music and certainly video games are only a distraction to getting back on track with studying for most subjects - unless they're taking T.V. or music appreciation. Then, that's your call.

5. Health Check-Ups Before School - A healthy child is a more energized child, is a more learned child. Make sure to have your child evaluated by a health care professional prior to the start of a school year to make sure the proper attention is being placed on that individual's current health. With obesity still taking over the nation, it's important each child know how to handle their own health and self-control when you're not around to help them.

These are just a few of the things you can do to help your child ease back into the school year safely and easily.