Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How & Why Your Health Insurance Matters More Than Ever

Everyday for 10 years now, we've encountered patients in our office who have very little, and sometimes even no knowledge of their medical insurance coverage - especially in regard to their chiropractic visits. They simply walk in, say they have "Kaiser, or BlueShield" or some other major provider's plan, hand us their card and wait to be told what, if any portion of the projected statements will be covered.
To not know what/who exactly your policy covers is simply naive. Now, we know not everyone has access to computers, and not everyone is familiar with fine print policies, but we always say, "If you're paying for it, you should know exactly what you're getting." Especially when it comes to your health and that of your family.

With the government striving toward a massive overhaul of the medical/medicare system while trying to eliminate private insurances and providers, it has become more critical to know and understand your exact benefits.

The following is a list of things EVERY ADULT should know about their current policies:

1. How much you pay every month (especially if it's automatically deducted from your paycheck through your company) - companies like will help you compare like plans

2. Know how much your co-payment is for each office visit you may make

3. Know how much your deductible is and if it's been met yet for that calendar year

4. Know what additional services (in regard to your specific treatment needs; ie., massage coverage, pillows, etc. if you're planning on seeing a chiropractor)

5. Know if you need a referral from your primary care physician before seeing anyone else, and if so, how long and what do you have to do to obtain that authorization.

6. If you're seeking chiropractic care, how many visits under your plan are you entitled to for that calendar year

7. Know if the coverage is the same as that of your spouse, kids, etc.

These tips and suggestions are just some of the more important aspects you need to know and understand in regard to your health plan. Everyone needs to become not only more aware of their overall health, but with the plans they choose to see their needs will be met. The time is now to become proactive, review your policy - and the care you or your family has received and plan accordingly for the future.

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