Thursday, October 22, 2009

Help Yourself: Become Health Insurance Aware

The title of this blog says it all. Help yourself.

If there's anyone who hates to beat an old drum - it's us. But the current state of healthcare and more importantly, health insurance, continues to get more muddled every day.

Yesterday (10/21), the Today show had a family who's toddler-aged daughter was being denied health coverage because her weight was in the bottom third percentile for her age. My initial response is what, "now we're promoting obesity."

The reason the toddler was being denied coverage was because the child had a "pre-existing" condition of a gag-reflex which significantly impacted her eating habits. The child was however, responding well to treatments and the insurance company said it would reconsider her for coverage in the future should her condition change.

Now, the irony with this scenario is that the only family member who "needs" medical assistance and therefore, insurance coverage - is the one who doesn't have it and can't get it.

We call these oxymorons in our office.

Life insurance is really death insurance. You don't/can't collect until you die.

Health insurance, is actually sickness insurance as you only need/use it when your sick.

The moral of this particular blog is it's more important than ever to take charge of your family's health care.

Choose your employers more carefully (those who may offer benefits more relevant to your family's needs); choose your coverages more carefully (if you have choices between multiple companies); and read, call and truly understand what will be expected of you when life gives you a health issue.

Being aware and proactive can help you and your family in the long-run.

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